Personal protective equipment, or PPE, is essential for your safety and the safety of your project. This gear isn’t just used on the job, but can keep you safe throughout your day. Explore the risks that you can avoid when you wear the right equipment for the situation. Shop for certified safety gear at Safety Gear Pro and have it sent directly to your home.
Reduced Health and Safety Risks
The goal of this equipment is to minimize or completely avoid any injury or damage caused by a workplace accident. Depending on your project, your protective gear should cover your eyes, head, hands, feet and ears to protect against common risks.
Flying debris or hazardous liquids is one of the most common types of health and safety risks. Your safety glasses, gloves and protective clothing prevent chemicals or bodily fluids from directly contacting your skin. Flying debris, particularly at a construction site, can cause serious injury without the right protection.
Ear protection prevents hearing loss due to extreme noises. High decibel levels can cause permanent hearing damage, so wear approved hearing protection when working around loud equipment or operating noisy machinery.
Steel toe boots, durable gloves and a hard hat protect the rest of your body from impacts. This gear is particularly useful if you’re carrying heavy objects or other professionals are working above and around you.
Working in cold areas also comes with risks. Cold weather gear includes insulated gloves, warm hats and thermal layers. Be sure to choose fire-resistant clothing and clothing items that you can wear under your typical work clothing.
Respiratory protection is crucial if you’re working around hazardous gases, high levels of VOCs or other airborne contaminants. Masks and respirators come in a wide range of filtration ratings, so carefully compare each type of breathing protection before you select one rated for your particular application.
Workplace Compliance
Many workplaces have identified essential safety equipment for employees. Failure to comply with workplace policies not only puts yourself at risk but could pose a risk to individuals around you and to your company. Review workplace recommendations and requirements to see if you’re missing a key piece of protective equipment. Don’t assume all glasses are safety glasses or all hard hats offer the impact protection you need. Compare specifications to find the best option for your situation.
What Are the Risks of Not Wearing PPE?
Protective equipment is all about reducing the risks of common and uncommon workplace injuries. There is a chance that you may not be injured if you don’t wear safety gear. Unfortunately, you could also experience serious injuries. Common injuries include eye injury, hearing loss, crushed toes and head trauma.
What Are the Common Types of Protective Equipment?
Personal protective equipment varies depending on your workplace and type of activity. For most professionals, eye, ear, head, hand, foot and breathing protection are the most common types. Some workplaces also recommend specific clothing and additional safety gear, like safety harnesses or knee pads.
When Should I Wear Protective Equipment?
Review your workplace situation to determine if you need to wear protective equipment. You must wear any equipment that is recommended by your employer or the construction site supervisor, but you should also consider any equipment that protects you against any additional risks of injury.
Are Safety Glasses Necessary?
Safety glasses protect your eyes from dust contamination and direct impact from flying debris. If you’re working with power tools, heavy machinery or in other workplaces with flying debris risks, safety glasses are a crucial part of your personal protective gear checklist. Consider wearing goggles or prescription safety glasses for improved comfort and convenience.
Where Should I Wear Personal Protective Gear?
The most common applications for PPE are workplaces, but you should consider wearing this protective equipment during any hazardous hobbies as well. Sports activities, recreational shooting, hunting and home improvement projects all carry risks that can be minimized with professional safety gear. Consider any associated risks before you begin a new hobby or DIY project. Shop for essential safety products today at Safety Gear Pro. Enjoy affordable prices on crucial items to keep you, your coworkers and your workplace safe. Find convenient gear that you can wear during your recreational activities to stay safe wherever you are.