Spending a lot of time outdoors for work or because of an active lifestyle can do serious damage to your eyes if they are left unprotected. The harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun can affect your eyes and cause problems with your eyesight just as these rays affect your skin. Many people remember to apply sunscreen before heading outdoors for a length of time, but few invest in quality protection for their eyes. Polarized prescription sunglasses will do more than help provide clarity and reduce glare; these glasses also keep your eyes safe.
What Is Polarization?
Though you may just see a bright light or squint against a reflection of the light off water or glass, there is a lot going on when the sun’s rays are shining. Light moves in a wave pattern, much like you see in the ocean waves. Ocean waves oscillate (or vibrate) vertically, even though the waves themselves could be moving in different directions. You see the movement in the up-and-down rolling pattern. This is called polarization.
In contrast, light waves have different moving patterns and oscillate in many directions all at once. Even if a beam of light is traveling parallel to the ground, the waves themselves may be bouncing around vertically, horizontally or any of the diagonal angles that occur within those spaces. Because of all this movement, light waves are not polarized. When a beam or ray of light connects with a reflective surface like water or glass, the surface bounces the light off in horizontal polarization.
Through a polarized lens, the light that is vibrating in a specific direction can be filtered out. In a pair of polarized sunglasses, horizontal vibrations are filtered out to reduce the glare of light beams bouncing off a reflective surface. Many of the polarization of light beams (horizontal or diagonal) are filtered out with polarized sunglasses, only letting in light moving in a vertical or close to vertical oscillation.
Who Needs Polarization?
While the outdoors often provides the most exposure to bright sunlight, people who are exposed to sunlight through the window can benefit from prescription polarized sunglasses. Light-sensitive people and those who have had cataract surgery can be more protected from the sun’s glare at their desk job just as well as those who work outdoors in construction, landscaping, in or around water and more. Washing the car at home, hanging out by the pool or doing routine yard work also exposure individuals to the glare and damage of the sun, making polarized sunglasses a necessity in those situations as well.
What Are the Benefits of Polarization?
With the invisible filter of polarized glasses removing the reflective light, you will find that your vision improves while outdoors or in bright sunlight situations. Polarized lenses can be included in non-prescription and prescription glasses, which makes this protective option accessible to anyone, regardless of their vision. Here are some of the benefits of wearing polarized lenses.
1. Improved Vision
Bright light conditions make it harder to function, whether you are driving a vehicle, fishing off of a boat or building a house. The glare that reflects from glass or water is not just annoying; it can also be extremely dangerous. Driving down the road into a bright light may cause you to be distracted while trying to shield your eyes or adjust the way you look out the windshield. Operating a fishing vessel without a clear view into the water may cause you to miss hazards below the surface. Polarized sunglasses improve your vision and safety in these situations.
2. Reduced Eye Damage
Both sunlight and fluorescent lighting are culprits for eye strain, as glare and reflected beams of light cause individuals to squint to adapt to the lighting or the pupils dilate more often to adjust. This extra movement can cause eyestrain, where the eyes are tired from prolonged, intense use. Eye strain is annoying but it can lead to problems with fatigue, migraines or difficulty concentrating. Bright lights can also overstimulate the retina, causing it to release too many signaling chemicals, damaging the back of the eye over time.
3. Improved Contrast and Color Hues
Wearing a pair of sunglasses can make your field of vision seem dark and cloudy. This is made more noticeable when spending time outside on a humid day or in areas of high pollution. The tiny particles in the air reflect the light at different angles, causing colors to blur or become dim. This makes it harder to enjoy the scenery on a hike or watch the soccer game and distinguish jersey colors. Whatever your environment, polarized prescription sunglasses open up your eyes to more vibrant colors and contrast of nature.
4. Better Hobby Enjoyment
Fishing and boating activities take place on the water, and without polarized lenses, it is hard to enjoy all the experience has to offer. The same can be said about photography or landscape painting. The glare in these environments distorts perception and the colors of images. A pair of polarized sunglasses can help you see through the water to where the fish are biting, improving your results during the fishing tournament. Photographs come out looking more natural and vibrant without the use of editing when polarized lenses are used over the camera lens, but you can see the images in real-time with polarized sunglasses.
Where Can I Find Polarized Prescription Sunglasses?
For the best quality and most recommended brands of polarized sunglasses, shop with Safety Gear Pro. Whether you need sunglasses or safety glasses, you will find products approved for use in work environments requiring ANSI approval that deliver exceptional results. Men and women alike will find what they are looking for when browsing the collection of industry-leading brand names and manufacturers.
Where Can I Order Polarized Sunglasses?
At Safety Gear Pro, we make it easy to find the perfect pair of polarized sunglasses for men or women. Choose from several classic styles or customize your color if you are searching for polarized sunglasses for women. We only offer sunglasses with the highest standards in UV protection and polarization filters.
Do Polarized Filters Block UV Rays?
UV blocking and polarization are unrelated and ordering polarized lenses won’t block the UV rays of the sun. It is important to purchase sunglasses that provide both. Safety Gear Pro carries industry-leading sunglasses providing 100% UVA and UVB protection without causing any distortion or impacting clarity.
Will Polarized Lenses Affect My Vision?
Polarized lenses aren’t meant to be worn as vision aids, and this is why they are used for sunglasses. However, if you tend to use electronic devices while traveling in the car or while outside, you may find that polarized lenses interact differently with light sources emitting from an LCD screen or other screened device.
Can Safety Glasses Have Polarization Added?
If your job requires safety glasses, you can have the polarization filter added to the lenses. Safety Gear Pro gives you several options of ANSI-rated safety sunglasses that are polarized with the additional benefit of being customized to your prescription needs. These provide maximum glare benefits and are shatterproof.
Do I Really Need Polarized Lenses?
Polarized lenses are strongly recommended if you are going to invest in your vision and improve your clarity while working in bright light situations. Over time, harsh light beams can cause premature vision loss and other complications. For these reasons, protection is recommended for men and women when working, playing, relaxing or exercising outside.