Prescription Safety Glasses Might Be The Best Thing Since Sliced Bread

Prescription Safety glasses play an important role in keeping people safe and keeping businesses churning. Not many people are aware that prescription safety glasses can be made custom to fit them. Depending on the work a person does, this could be a game changer for people who wear prescription lenses.
Preventable Disaster
It’s a sad statistic to note that 90% of eye injuries reported each year are preventable. Our vision is such an important thing to have and, of course, we shouldn’t take that for granted. In fact, we should guard our eyes whenever there’s even a mild risk of physical injury. The cost of losing one’s vision, even partially, far outweighs the cost of prevention.
Many people still don’t wear safety glasses with prescription when they should, whether that’s at work or at home. There are almost as many excuses for not wearing safety glasses as there are hospital visits each year for eye injuries. These are some popular reasons given for not wearing protective eyewear:
- Discomfort
- Fogging up
- Unable to see clearly
- Forgot to put them on
- Misplaced or borrowed
- Takes too long
- Thinking you’re already at a safe distance or angle
- Thinking you’re wearing them already
- Thinking you’re invincible, “it won’t happen to me”
- Thinking you’re not doing anything dangerous
- Poor workplace, lab, or shop safety culture
- Lack of training, education
- Lack of equipment, neglect
Easy Education
It’s not cool to rebel against PPE. Personal protective equipment is the boring stuff your boss and the safety guy with the clipboard constantly harass you to wear. If your profession has some requirement where your eyes are at risk of injury, such as a mechanic, a welder, or an assembly line worker, then your employer will most likely make you abundantly aware of the proper equipment to wear.
Easily the most important piece of PPE is the safety glasses. For the mechanic and welder type of jobs where most of your day is going to be spent wearing safety glasses, you should probably invest in prescription safety glasses if you already wear eyeglasses.
Another option until you can get proper eyewear is to just wear the safety glasses on top of your normal eyeglasses while you work. This might take some getting used to, but most safety glasses brands accommodate for people who wear eyeglasses by adding extra room already.
Self Discipline
Don’t wait on your employer to provide you with safety glasses. If your profession requires you to put your eyes in danger, even only occasionally, it’s worth it to bring your own dedicated safety glasses if needed, or at least keep a set in your car as a spare.
If the safety culture at your workplace is non-existent, don’t be afraid to help and explain to others the importance of safe eye protection. Regardless of what the others do, whether they are just other employees or your boss, you wear the PPE. Next time you see an employee thinking they can bypass safety, show them where the PPE is kept and tell them keeping their vision is worth it.
Can I wear my normal prescription glasses as safety glasses?
No. In fact, in some instances, it may be illegal to wear regular eyeglasses in lieu of proper safety glasses. Eyeglasses are designed for comfort and vision correction, not for protecting your eyes. Safety glasses are designed to protect your eyes, but they provide no vision correction.
Can I wear safety glasses on top of my normal prescription glasses?
Yes. A lot of safety glasses are actually designed to accommodate the extra space for people who already wear glasses. Most businesses will provide safety glasses that can accommodate your normal eyeglasses.
Why do my safety glasses always fog up?
There is a large temperature difference between the room temperature and the inside lens of the glasses. Sweat, humidity, heat, and moisture show up as condensation. Try safety glasses with larger vents that allow airflow underneath where they touch your face.
Do they make safety glasses with prescription?
Yes. Safety glasses with your prescription can be made by certain companies. You’ll be asked about your type of prescription and vision issues, and you’ll get to customize how they look. Depending on what you do each day, investing in RX safety glasses might be well worth it.
Is my employer required to provide me with prescription safety glasses if I wear normal glasses already?
No. Safety glasses usually have room for wearing on top of your normal eyeglasses if you have them. Regardless, they are your eyes and you need to do what’s best for you. Even if you are provided with no safety glasses at all, you should bring your own and don’t lend them out.