When you tend to spend a lot of your time in the great outdoors, it is vital that you take time to consider your safety. The right gear not only keeps you protected while on an adventure in the wilderness, it also enhances your entire experience. Sunglasses, for example, are vital when it comes to engaging in activities like fishing. Safety Gear Pro has a wide selection of protective gear by trustworthy brands to help you get more from your trip into nature. Check out information on these Costa Sunglasses to discover the absolute best option for your next trip.
Costa Skimmer
Named for a type of seaplane, the Costa Skimmer is a pair of sunglasses with a lot going for it. The titanium frame is designed to be lightweight so you don’t feel like you have glasses on throughout the day. To add to your comfort, the Skimmer features full-motion and air-cushioned nose pads. Since most fishing trips last for long hours, you want to find eyewear that does not make itself known. Best of all, this model can be fitted with prescription lenses so you can keep your sight sharp while engaged in your favorite outdoor activities.
Costa Rincon
Another excellent option when you’re hoping to enhance your fishing experience, the Costa Rincon is all about the design of the frame. The six base frame offers less of a curve than other models, which can help immensely with your line of sight. The straight bridge calls to mind a classic look, while the optical springs make folding the arms a simple experience without fear of snapping the material. As with most Costa options, the Rincon comes with the option of polarizing the lenses. Polarized lenses are known to reduce glare and increase overall visibility.
Costa Blackfin
While style is at the forefront of almost all Costa products, the Costa Blackfin is a case where performance outshines aesthetics. The lightweight frame is comprised of a biodegradable resin, making these sunglasses and eco-friendly choice for nature enthusiasts. Whether you opt for glass or polycarbonate lenses, this is another example of Costa Sunglasses featuring polarization technology. Polarized lenses help to filter out harmful UV-A and UV-B rays, which studies have shown can cause lasting ocular damage after prolonged or direct exposure. The polarization also improves your ability to see, making a day on the water more enjoyable.
Selecting the best sunglasses for your excursions into nature takes time and research. Discover the most fitting option for your future by delving into the extensive selection at Safety Gear Pro. In no time, you’ll be ready to go off on a fishing trip without fear that harsh sunlight will force you to call it quits early.