Search for the best safety glasses for your next work project or lifestyle. Whether you’re getting ready for a day at a construction site or heading out to your favorite target shooting range, compare the most common types of safety glasses at Safety Gear Pro. Don’t settle for anything but the best brands and prices available online.
Prescription Safety Glasses
Pick up a pair of safety glasses that include your personal prescription. Safety glasses use a durable lens material, typically polycarbonate, to avoid direct impacts against your eyes. Prescription safety glasses add your prescription to these lenses to ensure clear vision throughout the day. You won’t have to choose between seeing clearly or protecting your eyes.
Shooting Safety Glasses
There are many similarities between shooting glasses and traditional safety glasses. However, shooting glasses add another layer of protection with ballistic resistance certification. A flying cartridge can be extremely hot and rapidly come in contact with your glasses. Shooting lenses are designed to prevent this situation from damaging your glasses or injuring you.
Shooting safety glasses also commonly come with colored lenses. Pick up yellow or amber lenses to improve your ability to pick out target colors, or go for darker tones to protect your eyes from UV rays.
Safety Sunglasses
Safety sunglasses are a popular option for more than just shooting. These tinted lenses block 100% of UV rays to avoid eye injury. Darker colors also keep you from squinted in bright light conditions. Don’t assume all sunglasses have a safety lens, but shop for specific sunglasses that are ANSI rated to protect you from flying objects and debris.
Medical Goggles
Medical professionals require complete eye protection from liquids, dust, airborne contaminants and other hazards. Medical-grade goggles offer full eye coverage with an adjustable strap. Compare various types of goggles to find the ideal option for your medical position or task. Some goggle types are large enough to be worn with your prescription glasses, while others are capable of using a prescription lens for added convenience. Check with your workplace to determine the correct goggles and other personal protective equipment for your medical task.
Do Safety Glasses Protect Your Eyes?
All ANSI-rated safety glasses use a durable lens material, like polycarbonate, to prevent injury from projectiles. Review the specifications of your specific eyewear to find out how they’re designed to protect your eyes. Safety glasses for athletic or recreational use may not have the same level of protection as shooting glasses.
What Types of Safety Glasses Are Suited for Construction Sites?
Construction workers need OSHA approved glasses as part of a complete personal protective equipment setup. Every construction site may have different requirements, but in general, you should look for glasses or goggles that are secure on your face and offer protection from debris, impacts and scratches. Consider safety sunglasses for outdoor job sites.
Can I Wear Safety Glasses and Prescription Glasses?
It’s crucial that you don’t compromise your vision to protect your eyes. You have two basic options when it comes to safety glasses and prescription glasses. First, you can pick up safety goggles or glasses that cover your daily glasses. Second, you can order prescription safety eyeglasses that combine both features in a single, convenient pair.
How Do I Avoid Fogging Safety Glasses?
Lens fog can be dangerous when you’re working on a construction site or at the shooting range, so be sure to order safety glasses that have an anti-fog coating. These offer significant fog protection compared to other types of safety glasses If you already have safety glasses that don’t have this protection, apply a coat of anti-fog product on your lenses.
What Glasses Should I Wear While Shooting?
The best safety glasses for shooting are specifically designed for this application. Standard safety glasses are better than no eye protection, but shooting safety glasses have the ballistic protection you need to stay safe while operating a firearm, whether you’re at the range or in your favorite hunting stand. Shop for safety glasses at Safety Gear Pro to find the best type of glasses for your next project. There are many other types of specialized glasses, from welding goggles to sport safety glasses, so be sure to sort and filter your way to the best option at a great price.